Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic tool that I utilize in my coaching practice. Don’t let the name scare you- it’s nothing like the Matrix, though it can be a little “woo”. In a nutshell, it’s a tool to liberate your body/mind from the negative beliefs, thoughts, patterns and loops it gets stuck in. For a more comprehensive look at it, read on!

When something traumatic, wounding or deeply distressing happens, the emotional “charge” or memory from that event becomes stored or trapped, showing up in your body. The issues are literally in your tissues. Often, you are not consciously aware that it has occurred, but your brain is altered as a result.  It can cause problems on all levels – emotionally, mentally and physically. Brainspotting is designed to reveal, reprocess and ultimately release that trapped energy so that it no longer causes problems in your life.

Brainspotting uses where you look to affect how you feel. As you hold your attention your “brain spots”, it allows for deep processing to safely reprocess and release the trauma from the mind/body.

As a Brainspotting practitioner, Kim listens to your words and body experiences, observing the eyes, face and body, watching for cues. She believes that the brain is self-healing and her role is to set and hold a space that empowers your self-healing abilities.


Kim is a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner and sees clients from all over the world primarily online. She has over a decade of experience working with women to find freedom to accept themselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

Her clients often rave about how effective Brainspotting and coaching are and how it’s changed their lives in such a short period of time.

Curious if Brainspotting and coaching are your next best step? Click to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call.


See what Kim’s clients have said about Brainspotting and Holistic Empowerment Coaching……


How does Brainspotting Work?

“Brainspots” refers to the the eye position that is connected to where it is stored in the brain. This is the source of the negative emotions.  You can have many brainspots.

Sometimes a brainspot is found by noticing an increase in your emotions and/or body sensations.  It can also be found by the practitioner observing a reflexive response in your eyes or body, such as a twitch, a sudden change in your breathing, a change in your expression, or even a burp or yawn.  

The practitioner will often use a pointer to have you focus on that point while also noticing what is happening in your body or mind.  During this process you will also be listening to bilateral music through headphones. This stimulates the two sides of your brain, helping you feel more relaxed by calming your nervous system.

Together, you observe what is happening in your body as you process on your brainspot.  As the issue is released, healing starts to happen within your subconscious, leading to a sense of spaciousness, calming or relief.

Processing doesn’t mean rehashing what has happened to you which can be distressing and hinder progress.  Often clients feel very calm and quiet during Brainspotting sessions.


  • Cost effective treatment that often produces positive, lasting results relatively quickly.

  • Doesn’t require rehashing old events or “talking things to death”. It’s great for those who have done talk therapy before and want to go deeper with their healing.

  • Helps to alleviate anxiety, grief, sadness, anger, rage etc

  • Freedom, spaciousness, inner peace and joy that comes from finally resolving past trauma

  • Reduces negative beliefs

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Increased ability to communicate and set boundaries

  • User-friendly coping skills and ability to handle stress

  • Decreases distractibility and improves focus

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Improved energy levels

  • Decrease in body pain or irritation

  • Decrease in impulsive tendencies

Interested in learning if Brainspotting and Coaching are right for you? Use the form below to request a free 30 minute Discovery Call with Kim via Zoom.